Direct flight route connects Hong Kong, Cam Ranh

A Hong Kong Express flight landed in Cam Ranh International Airport on November 9

This is a direct flight with 180 tourists from Hong Kong to Cam Ranh, which is based in the south central province of Khanh Hoa.
Due to travel demand, Hong Kong Express airlines opened a new route connecting their home base with Cam Ranh.
A representative of HK Express said whenever opening a new route they hope to inspire passengers’ desire to explore new destinations and connect with different cultures.
The route linking Hong Kong and Cam Ranh runs every Wednesday and Friday.
The route launch is part of efforts by Khanh Hoa to maintain growth in the number of Chinese tourists to the province.
Khanh Hoa Province expects to welcome thousands of visitors from Hong Kong in 2016.
Earlier, Viet Nam Airlines also opened direct air flights from Cam Ranh to Hong Kong International Airport.
By VGP News

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